Katsugen Undō Online Mini-Course

Engage in your inner life movement
ONLINE June + July

Katsugen Undō Mini Course

In January 2024 we, Alice and Alexandra, travelled to Japan. One of our missions was to explore the roots of Sei-Ki and, as part of that, we researched Seitai and Katsugen Undō. It was a fascinating time. Our appreciation of this practice was refreshed and deepened by our experiences and we would like to share this with you.

This is for students of Katsugen, old and new, a refresher and introduction.

If you have been practising Katsugen for some time, this is an opportunity to refine your understanding and approach – we think you will enjoy our new input.

If you are new to Katsugen Undō, this course will be a chance to engage in “regenerative movement” from home under good guidance. Katsugen Undō is simple, yet extraordinary. I is a useful, life-enhancing practice. It can be experienced as clearing, relieving, refreshing, liberating, setting in motion what is stagnating…

TeachersAlice Whieldon & Alexandra Gelny
DatesWed 5.6. | 26 June | 3 July
Times1800-1930 (BST) / 1900-2030 (CET)
WhereONLINE via Zoom
LanguageEnglish (support for German and Italian)
Feename your price!
For whomanybody interested

You now have the opportunity to take this course with the video recordings of it.
However, we recommend that you only make use of this option if you already have Katsugen Undō experience or are currently or will soon be taking part in another Katsugen Undō workshop with Alice / Alexandra.
Costs: 42 euros (regular price) | 30 euros (reduced price with coupon code for our course participants)

What to expect

Taking place over 3 x 90 minute classes, we will explore the background and philosophy of this work, the starting exercises, and inishing each evening with a 30 minute katsugen practice together.

The three dates are linked. If you are unable to attend all the dates, we will be recording our talks and sending this to everyone who signs up.

The course is held in English. In the live zoom sessions, Alexandra provides language support in German and Italian if needed. The video recordings are provided with (verified) German and Italian subtitles.


Wed June 5, 2024
Wed June 26, 2024
Wed July 3, 2024

18:00 to 19:30 (BST) / 19:00 to 20:30 (CET)

TIP – it continues in September:
From September 11, 2024, we will start another regular series for joint Katsugen Undō Online: starting with a 90-minute session, followed by 45-minute practice sessions every two weeks until December 4!

Fee: name your price

We offer this Katsugen Undō course without a fixed price. Instead, we have set up payments for ‘name your price’.

These courses take time and resources to produce and we would welcome a contribution to help us continue the work, but if you are unable to pay at this time, or only pay a little, we invite you to come along at a cost you can afford.

Recommended contribution: € 30-60 (£25-50).


is Japanese. The characters 活元 mean:
活 (katsu) = alive, life
元 (gen) = origin, beginning
So “original liveliness”

Katsugen is usually translated figuratively as “spontaneous regenerative movement”.

Katsugen is not an exercise or practice per se. Katsugen referst to body’s spontaneous, often involuntary ability and competence to organize and regenerate itself. We are all familiar with this “spontaneous movement”, it is part of our daily lives. It can, for instance, manifest itself in yawning, sneezing, burping, digestive movements, movements during sleep, or also in spontaneous stretching of the body, shaking, jumping or laughing, falling asleep… and much more.

Young children are “experts” in showing katsugen, as adults we usually have to remind ourselves of our “self-regulation skills”.

In order to promote this authentic regulation, we give space to inner needs when practicing katsugen without having to name them specifically. We trace inner sensations, movements and impulses and allow them to take space and express themselves – often in spontaneous and “semi-voluntary” movements, but also in “non-movement”.

Katsugen Undō

Undō roughly means “training” or “practicing”.
Katsugen is already documented in ancient Japanese Shinto texts as “practice” and conscious surrender to the movement, also under the terms furube (shaking) and reido (soul work). It was seen as an important aspect of cleansing and purification.

In the 1950s, the Japanese healer Haruchika Noguchi (1911-1976) transferred the practice of katsugen from its spiritual context. As “Katsugen Undō”, it became a core element of Seitai, the health practice founded by e founded by Noguchi, comprising various elements – exercises, treatments, katsugen, lectures. The idea of Seitai is to promote the body’s natural ability to regulate and organize itself.

Katsugen also plays an important role in Sei-Ki, founded by Akinobu Kishi. We encounter it as an inner or outer movement during Sei-Ki sesssions, and practicing Katsugen Undō can be a good complement to Sei-Ki.

Possible effects of Katsugen

  • calming: your mind becomes clear and calm
  • relaxing: your body releases tension and becomes soft
  • releasing: you can let go of burdens, sometimes emotions are released; you may become tired
  • sensitizing: you feel yourself and your needs better; your senses become clear and sharp
  • refreshing: you become more alert and can feel new momentum
  • clearing: you may find it easier to have a clear view of things
Alexandra Gelny (links) und Alice Whieldon (rechts), Co-Teacher für das Sei-Ki Retreat.

Alice Whieldon

Alice is a renowned teacher of Sei-Ki and has more than 25 years of experience with Sei-Ki and Katsugen. She has been working in the field of Sei-Ki and Shiatsu for over 35 years. She started with Sei-Ki in 1997 and is co-author with Kishi Akinobu of “Sei-Ki: The Hidden in the Art of Shiatsu.” (2011). She is also the author of “Mind Clearing: The Key to Mindfulness Mastery” (2016) and has worked in higher education for over 30 years.
She teaches sei-ki and clearing workshops internationally. Alice lives and works in Norfolk (UK).


Alexandra Gelny

Alexandra has been practicing Shiatsu since 2004. In 2011 she discovered Sei-Ki and Katsugen (workshops with Akinobu Kishi, Kyoko Kishi and Alice Whieldon). She practices Sei-Ki and Shiatsu in her practice in Vienna.

Alexandra has been teaching shiatsu workshops internationally since 2016 on topics relating to women’s health, pregnancy and birth. She has been guiding Katsugen Undō since 2018 and has been sharing her approach to Sei-Ki in practice evenings and workshops.


Alice and Alexandra have known each other since 2017. In Alice’s numerous workshops, in which Alexanddra has been translating and assisting, an inspiring collaboration has developed.

Katsugen Undō Online Mini Course - June 5 | June 26 | July 3, 2024


To get access to the videos, please fill out the form below.



    I would like to buy the recordings of the KATSUGEN ONLINE MINI COURSE

    I have already practiced Katsugen Undō before*:

    Regular price: 42 Euro
    I have a coupon for the reduced price of 30 Euro
    Payment is not automatic. You will receive the payment information by e-mail.

    Data protection / Privacy*

    Your order will be checked by us and confirmed in writing.

    Katsugen 1:1

    I am also happy to accompany you individually in one-to-one sessions for Katsugen Undō in my practice (in Vienna). Please contact me directly.

    Sei-Ki treatments

    You can book your appointment for Sei-Ki treatments online.

    Curious for more?

    Questions about the workshop?

    Feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions about the course content or schedule!
